Add a New User
You use this procedure to add a user.
You add users from the Company Management area. When you create users, they are given My Traffic permissions. My Traffic users are the lowest-cost user type. If you give a user additional permissions, that user is a full user and is billed accordingly.
To add a user, complete the following steps:
- Click .
- In the Locations, Depts & Staff pane, select the department to which you want to add an employee.
- At the bottom of the pane, click Add User.
In the right-side pane:
- Enter the user's contact details. You must enter values in the First Name, Location, Department, Email Address, and Expected Daily Hours fields.
- In the Personal Rate Charge Band field, choose a personal rate charge band.
Perform the following optional steps if appropriate:
- On the Charge Bands tab, drag any charge bands that you want to assign to the user from the left-side box to the right-side box.
- On the Staff Groups tab, drag any staff groups that you want to assign to the user from the left box to the right box.
- On the Correspondence Signature tab, enter a standard signature for the user.
- Click Save. This creates the user, but it does not give the login credentials.
Create Account.
TrafficLIVE sends the user a welcome email and a temporary password.
At this point, the new user has the default My Traffic permissions. If you want to edit the user permissions, click Menu > Admin > User Permissions.
Attention: Your TrafficLIVE pricing plan can affect the license fee that you pay for each user, and setting certain permissions can incur a higher charge. Contact Deltek to obtain details about how user permissions can be affected by your particular pricing plan.